GMP Newsletter July 2022

Dear colleagues, dear members of the GMP,
With the worst of the covid period at our back and after two years of virtual F 2 F due to the pandemic, the GMP board was finally able to meet in presence on June the 3 rd of June in Montpellier and to approve the objectives for the next 12 months We are quite excited to move forward in the ambitious program the GMP has planned for the period 2022 23 with the most important 2022 event being of course the joint congress co organized in partnership with the colleagues of the DMDG and the SPS associations which will be indeed held in October 2022 in Amsterdam.
The scientific program the joint scientific committee is putting in place seems outstanding I let you discover more about it in the dedicated section of this newsletter.
A big thanks is no doubt owed to the many sponsors that are sustaining the event with their donations We are honestly surprised by the interest this event has generated and the positive feedback already received both from our historic sponsors and from the additional companies willing to contribute to the success of our scientific event.
Two additional workshops are being organized this year The first one was held on July 6 th at Espaces Diderot ( in collaboration with SOLVO, Cyprotex and Simulations Plus, covering integrated in silico/in vitro QSP approaches to Drug Induced Liver Injury ( prediction The second workshop will be on December 8 th and 9 th in Marseille and will focus on PBPK This event, co organized with the heads of Master 2 in pharmacokinetics and Phinc, is still under development, but some detailed anticipations may be already shared with you in the dedicated section of this newsletter.
Another important event for 2022 23 is the complete renewal of the GMP website!!! Indeed, not just its appearance was a bit outdated, but also the engine managing the services provided to our adherents via the web required important updates and it was too limited for the other purposes the GMP board would like to implement in the next futur. In particular, we are aiming at facilitating access to our events and to additional initiatives/contents including collaborations and partnerships with other academic organizations and additional services dedicated to adherents and to students Please find more details in the dedicated section of the newsletter.
Inoccasion of this ambitious rethinking of the quality and quantity of the contents proposed by the GMP on the website, the GMP board has decided to fully dedicate one of its members to the direct management of our website This year the role will be on the shoulders of Madani Rachid to whom I say thanks for his time and commitment, on behalf of the entire association.
A huge thanks goes necessarily to Eric Helmer who has supported the GMP by uploading and updating all the contents available so far on the actual website, for a few years that nobody but him probably knows! So, my cheers as actual GMP president join the appreciation, I am sure, of all the others that have previously covered this role at the GMP board Thanks again Eric!!!
I conclude my editorial with the wish to meet you soon in Amsterdam, I am sure the joint event will be a positive surprise for all of you Take care.
Massimiliano Fonsi (The GMP President).