PBPK Worshop Dec 8th and 9th 2022

On December 8 and 9, the 1st PBPK workshop was held in Marseille (Campus universitaire Saint-Charles), co-organized by the directors of Master 2 in pharmacokinetics (Lyon, Marseille, Paris and Toulouse), PhinC Development and the GMP.
A total of 31 people participated in the workshop, 18 students from the 4 Master co-organizers and 13 from industry. The 18 students benefited from free registration for the workshop, non-Marseillais students also benefiting from a refund of their transport and accommodation costs up to €150.
The 1st day was devoted to presentations on the main applications of PBPK (preclinical, biopharmaceutical, drug interactions, special populations, toxicological and environmental). We would like to warmly thank Donato Teutonico (Sanofi), Letizia Carrara (Servier), Marc Codaccioni (Certara) and Céline Brochot (INERIS) for sharing their experiences in these areas.
The 2nd day was devoted to hands-on exercises allowing the construction of a PBPK model for hydrocodone and its metabolite as well as working on biopharmaceutic and DDI applications. We warmly thank Kahina Haouchine and Jérémy Perrier (PhinC Development) for having designed and animated this 2nd day. We would also like to thank Simulations Plus for setting up free licenses of GastroPlus® for all participants.
Finally, a big thank you to Florence Gattacceca for welcoming us to Marseille and for her precious help in setting up this workshop.
See you in December 2023 for a new workshop!